Approaches to Learning
Personal Definition- Gain new knowledge by taste, touch, smell, sight, sound, feelings, and through their physical actions.
1.) Name of Activity: Dump and fill
Originating Idea: Seeing the garbage truck on trash day
Curriculum Area: Approaches to learning- #1 Initiative: Children express initiative
Materials: Bowl or plastic bin, dumb truck toys, blocks, rice and beans, spoons
Appropriate Age group: Toddlers
Beginning of Activity: During circle time sing " Dumb Truck (on the construction site)" or read "Goodnight, Goodnight Construction Site" by Sherri Duskey Rinker
Middle of Activity
Early Extension: Young toddlers might choose a dumb truck and explore it
Middle: Toddlers will choose a dumb truck and fill and dumb with rice
Later Extension: Older toddlers will choose a dumb truck and fill and dumb with rice
End of Activity: Teachers can ask toddlers how using the dumb truck went
Follow-up Ideas (2): Toddlers can choose how to play "jobs". Pretend play.
2.) Name of Activity: Find the toy
Originating Idea: Looking for toys in the room
Curriculum Area: Approaches to learning- #2 Problem solving: Children solve problems encountered in exploration and play
Materials: Blankets, various toys, floor
Appropriate Age group: Infants
Beginning of Activity: Babies crawling to a toy
Middle of Activity
Early Extension: Encourage tummy time
Middle: Babies will try to feel the top of blanket and feel toys underneath
Later Extension: Babies will lift blanket to find toys
End of Activity:
Follow-up Ideas (2): Playing peek-a-boo
3.)Name of Activity: Squeaky clean hands
Originating Idea: Encourage toddlers to wash their hands
Curriculum Area: Approaches to learning- #3 self-help: Children do things for themselves
Materials: Water, sink, soap
Appropriate Age group: Toddlers
Beginning of Activity: Explain how you will show toddlers how to wash their hands
Middle of Activity
Early Extension: Toddler will get hands wet with water
Middle: Toddlers will get soap and wet hands
Later Extension: Toddlers will scrub hands with soap and water while singing "ABC's", then dry hands
End of Activity: Sing "Wash your Hands Song" by Cocomelon or read "Baby Shark- Wash your Hands!" by Pinkfong
Follow-up Ideas (2): Hand washing with colorful soap, pepper experiment
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