Creative Arts

Personal Definition of Creative Arts- Creative arts is about how children express and represent through art. This KDI focuses on the child's imagination through not only art but music, dance, and storytelling and can help in the development in language, social, emotional, and their cognitive. In creative arts, children can use this in their everyday life especially in pretend play and dancing to the music that they are hearing.


1.) Name of Activity: Marble painting


Originating Idea: Children’s love for painting


Curriculum Area: Creative Arts- #40 Children express and represent what they observe, think, imagine, and feel through two- and three-dimensional art.


Materials: Buckets, marbles, paper, paint


Appropriate Age group: Preschool and pre-Kindergarten (3-5 y/o)


Beginning of Activity: While at the art table, discuss how students can use any color they want to marble paint.


Middle of Activity

Early Extension: Children will shake the bucket up and down instead of side to side to get the marble to move, causing the marble to come out of the bucket.


Middle: Children get marbles to move side to side but are aggressive with shaking the bucket, causing the marble to come out of the bucket.


Later Extension: Children can move the marbles side to side easily to paint their pictures, while leaving the marble in the bucket.



End of Activity: Put art on drying racks, wash hands, and go to next center.


Follow-up Ideas (2):



2.) Name of Activity: Jingle Bells


Originating Idea: Children like using instruments during music and movement.


Curriculum Area: Creative Arts- #41 Children express and represent what they observe, think, imagine, and feel through music.


Materials: Pipe cleaners, jingle bells.


Appropriate Age group: Preschool (3-4 y/o)


Beginning of Activity: At circle time discuss how we’ll be making jingle bell bracelets for small group.


Middle of Activity

Early Extension: Children won’t be able to lace the bells on pipe cleaners but will shake them.


Middle: Can lace with help and will shake the bracelet.



Later Extension: Can lace by themselves and will shake the bracelet by wearing it.


End of Activity: Put our new instruments away and head to snack.



Follow-up Ideas (2): Shake the jingle bells to the time and rhythm of fast or slow music and loud and gentle motions.



3.) Name of Activity: Musical Chairs


Originating Idea: Wanting to incorporate more music activities.


Curriculum Area: Creative Arts- #42 Children express and represent what they observe, think, imagine, and feel through movement.


Materials: 10 chairs, radio, CD’s


Appropriate Age group: Pre-k (4-5 years)



Beginning of Activity: At carpet time discuss how we will be playing a game- musical chairs



Middle of Activity


Early Extension: Standing still not moving with others.





Middle: They move with other children but don’t realize when to sit.





Later Extension: Move when supposed to and listen to when music stops to sit down.





End of Activity: Put chairs away and start centers.




Follow-up Ideas (2): Have a dance party to music afterwards or freeze dance.

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