Physical Development and Health

Personal Definition of Physical Development and Health- The KDI physical development and health focuses on a child's motor skills, their well being, and ones health. It helps children gain knowledge of their bodies, their health, safety and nutrition that can help in the future. This KDI helps children move more and it can help with learning through play.


1.) Name of Activity: Pass the Balloon


Originating Idea: Saw the older kids playing volleyball and thought it was fun.


Curriculum Area: Physical Development and Health- #16 Children demonstrate strength, flexibility, balance, and timing in using their large muscles.


Materials: Balloon


Appropriate Age group: Pre-Kindergarten (4-5 y/o)


Beginning of Activity: During group time discuss children’s interest in volleyball and explain we will be playing a similar game during the beginning of our outside time called pass the balloon.


Middle of Activity

Early Extension: Children will get a feel of the balloon by rubbing it and tossing in air.



Middle: Children will pass the balloon back and forth but at a close distance.



Later Extension: Children will pass the balloon back and forth but at a farther distance.



End of Activity: Talk about similarities and differences from our activity and volleyball. Then release them to go play on the playground.


Follow-up Ideas (2): Read Bump! Set! Spike! By Nick Fauchald as an introduction into volleyball and do some stretches.



2.) Name of Activity: Grass in a cup


Originating Idea: Children need more practice using scissors

Curriculum Area: Physical Development and Health- #17 Children demonstrate dexterity and hand-eye coordination in using their small muscles


Materials: Small plastic cup, water, potting soil, grass seeds, scissors, sunlight


Appropriate Age group: Preschool and Pre-Kindergarten (3-5 y/o)


Beginning of Activity: At centers children will plant their grass seeds in their cups and water them. Wait till grass grows high.


Middle of Activity

Early Extension: Children will feel and pluck at grass.



Middle: Children will use scissors but not hold them properly to cut their grass.



Later Extension: Children will use scissors properly to cut grass in cups.



End of Activity: Send home with children.


Follow-up Ideas (2): Practice cutting with line cutting worksheets (advance), use scraps (not advance)



3.) Name of Activity: Brushing (Egg Carton) teeth


Originating Idea: A student lost a tooth and children found it cool.


Curriculum Area: Physical Development and Health- #20 Children engage in healthy practices.


Materials: White egg cartons (foam), toothbrushes, paint, water, bucket, towels, toothpaste


Appropriate Age group: Pre-Kindergarten (4-5 y/o)


Beginning of Activity:  Explain todays activity at centers- brushing teeth


Middle of Activity

Early Extension: Children explore materials.



Middle: Children will be able to use some of the materials to brush the teeth the correct way.



Later Extension: Children will be able to use all the materials to brush the teeth the correct way.



End of Activity: Talk about the importance of brushing teeth.



Follow-up Ideas (2): Sing the tooth brushing song by Blippi, read Pout Pout Fish: Goes to the Dentist by Deborah Diesen and do tooth collage.