Social Studies

My Personal Definition of Social Studies- Social studies is about how children learn about making decisions, history, diversity, and community roles. It's about the people presently around them and the people of the past and about the earth and locations of places around it. Social studies helps the children learn about how people live in any culture and how important it can be to know the world around them.


1.) Name of Activity: Dress the community helper!


Originating Idea: Community Helpers week at school


Curriculum Area: Social Studies- #54 Children recognize that people have different roles and functions in the community.


Materials: Community helper magnet dolls, clothes, magnet tray,


Appropriate Age group: Preschool (3-4 years)


Beginning of Activity: At small group discuss the different community helpers and what their job in the community is.


Middle of Activity

Early Extension: Children will dress dolls but not with the correct corresponding outfit. Recognizes very little community helpers.

Middle: Can dress most dolls correctly but won’t know their role in the community.


Later Extension: Can dress all dolls correctly and knows the roles of all community helpers.


End of Activity: At large group ask children what community helper they would like to be?


Follow-up Ideas (2): Bring a community helper in to talk to class about the importance of their job)Ex. Police officer, firefighter, or mail carrier), have children dress up as their favorite community helper.



2.) Name of Activity: Class Helpers


Originating Idea: Children love helping their teachers. Allow them to make their own decisions.


Curriculum Area: Social Studies- #55 Children participate in making classroom decisions.


Materials: Large popsicle sticks, pictures of students, pocket chart, flash cards with job title.


Appropriate Age group: Preschool and Pre-Kindergarten (3-5 years)


Beginning of Activity: At group time discuss how class will have a job chart and each day students will get a chance to be a class helper.


Middle of Activity

Early Extension: Children will need guidance from teacher every step.



Middle: Will need some teacher assistance.



Later Extension: Will make their own decision on what needs to be done for their job and do it.



End of Activity: Day ends, go home.


Follow-up Ideas (2): Let children make their own decisions when it comes to certain choices in the classroom, ask children what they would prefer to do.



3.) Name of Activity: Continent Toss


Originating Idea: Children’s interest in traveling


Curriculum Area: Social Studies- #56 Children recognize and interpret features and locations in their environment.


Materials: World map, large pocket dice, laminated continent flashcards, bear counters.


Appropriate Age group: Pre-Kindergarten (4-5 years)


Beginning of Activity: Discuss how we will be playing a game using the world map for small groups.


Middle of Activity

Early Extension: Children will not be able to say continent name.



Middle: Can say some continent names and but counter on correct continents.



Later Extension: Can correctly pronounce continents while matching counter to the corresponding continent.


End of Activity: Put away activity and start centers.



Follow-up Ideas (2): Bring out colored flash cards with animals, foods, etc., that correspond with the continents.